Good Afternoon :)
I have always been intrigued by Lush, the brightness of the shop, the overpowering aroma's when you walk by etc. I have bought a few items over the years but I have never really fully been able to go into the shop and be able to confidently pick something up and know what its for. I think this is what has kept me from going in more often.
When I found out that Danny @helloadventurer was organising a Lush Event I was really excited to get the opportunity to go. I loved the uniqueness of Lush, their passion for their natural products as well as fighting against animal testing.
On the afternoon of the event I met up with Elaine @Elaine_the2BBs before meeting up with some more beauty bloggers from the North East for some lunch. The event started at 5.30pm after the shops shut so we had the store to ourselves. We were greeted by Danny and his team which I have to say are an amazing credit to Lush.
We were educated about the background to Lush how the products are developed, the progress they are at with making as much of the products as possible naked. Their achievements regarding fighting against animal testing, their giant fridges, Pete the seaweed man. It was great to hear about a company which its staff obviously love working for. After hearing all that it made me feel proud to use Lush and be part of what that company stands for.
The plan for the evening was to split into two groups one would make a bath ballistic the other a cleanser, we would then stop for drinks/ snacks and swap over. I was in the first group to make a bath ballistic, the one we were being shown how to make was Space Girl, its purple in colour, smells lovely, all glittery and the best part is the popping candy inside!.
After a demonstration of Space Girl in action we were shown what ingredients we needed to combine and place into plastic moulds. I loved the look of Space Girl its one I have never used before. I have never used it simply because of the glitter, I am not a glittery bath person so by making it myself I was able to miss that part out yey! Below are photos of Space Girl in the silver bowl and my finished Space Girl ballistic minus the glitter! We had to let this set for 24 hours.
It was then time for a little break, we were all kindly offered cupcakes/ cake pops which were beautifully decorated and went down well with the lemonade. This little break before we swapped gave us all time to try and mingle with other beauty bloggers there and to have a good look and the products.
Break over. It was now our groups turn to make Angels On Bare Skin cleanser. We started off with a huge silver bowl for us to all add the ingredients after we got to have a smell/ snort of them all. Once combined Danny rolled it up like a swiss roll and cut it into segments for us all to take a piece.
After we had all finished making Angels On Bare Skin/ Space Girl we got the opportunity to buy some products. I bought another Comforter because it smells amazing and you bath looks so pretty! I also bought some of The Godmother soap to try, this smells just like the Bubble Gum Lip Scrub. Instead of just being given the products I had bought in a little bag they were put in a huge bag full of goodies! I was so shocked by the amount of items we got in our gift bags! Below is an image of the items we got inside. Thank you very much Lush! its a great way for me to try more of your products and become addicted love your plan, its working! :)

The day after the event I could not wait any longer I had to try Angels On Bare Skin Cleanser and the Catastrophe Cosmetic Face Mask, all I can say is WOW! Why had I not tried this stuff sooner?! Once I got over the texture of the cleanser I actually liked it, its a bit messy but your skin feels amazing. Next up, the face mask, there is actual blueberry bits in this so not the best look while wearing it but afterwards my skin felt so nice. I will 100% be buying these again and have recommended these to so many people, I cant wait to try the rest!
One last thing, just to say thank you to Danny and his team at Lush it was a fantastic event and I am now a Lush convert! I cant wait for the next event if I am lucky enough to go!
If you went to the Lush Event have you tried any of the products from your gift bag? What do you think?
Can you recommend me any other Lush products to buy?